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What can AI do for your business?

AL Core Tech Team November 15, 2023

How do you even begin?

"Artificial intelligence is the buzz word of all buzz words in 2023, it seems you can't go a day without seeing at least a dozen different news articles, adverts or someone asking what you're doing with AI. What was almost exclusively the domain of the big tech companies and research teams just a couple of years ago, has all of a sudden become mainstream. Whilst everyone is talking about ChatGPT and all the amazing things it can find or do for you in your personal life, it doesn't really help the average business know where to even being with AI.

First things first, you need to find a problem you actually want to solve and something that will save you money or create new sales and opportunities. All too often in the past couple of years we've had clients come to us who want to do 'something' with AI. Well we can certainly do 'something' but we prefer to use AI to 'solve something'. On all AI projects our first step is to sit down with the business teams and understand what they're dealing with today, what challenges that process or system creates and what in an ideal world they'd like it to do for them. Once we start to understand the problem we can begin to see where AI could really help."

All AI is just the same isn't it?

"Ok so great, we've got a problem that we can solve defined and now we're working to figure out a solution. We can just turn on any AI tool and it will solve the problem -- no! Unfortunately it's not quite that simple! There are many different tools and platforms in the AI space and knowing which one's to use and how to use them is key to building a solution that delivers the improvements that the business wants to see. Often the answer is not the first thing you try and it may well need several tools combined together to get the best outcome. There's a real danger with a business going out and buying an 'AI Platform' that will tell you that with a few clicks and drags of the mouse you can have an AI chat bot, a process automation or a virtual sales team. Whilst there are some amazing tools out there in the market today, none of them can solve every problem and before you make an investment, you need to understand if a tool will give you the outcome you need."

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