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Security Testing & Audit

Developer led approach to security testing and remediation

Our experienced team can help put your mind at ease when it comes to the latest security threat and help eliminate the risk of a security incident bringing down your business. We focus on helping businesses understand the risks and mitigations from the design of their applications, through to live production systems.

  • Education and awareness: Everyone involved in the development process should be responsible for security (not just specialists). Thus, everyone should be aware of possible security threats and potential vulnerabilities, as well as protection methods.

  • Product requirements (security and privacy): The requirements gathering phase of product devleopment should include an analysis of the security and data privacy risks. An expert with the right qualifications must be involved in the process. Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is one of the key steps to ensure applications are built with security in mind.

  • Security design review (best practices, protocols, tools): In addition to the general architectural documentation, a document describing the security requirements and security architecture should be created. Frameworks, tools and third-party libraries used in development should be checked for known vulnerabilities.

  • Implementation analysis: At this stage, tools and approaches are used to check the compliance of the product / changes with the requirements defined in the previous stages. Static Application Security Testing and Dynamic Application Security Testing are usually used in tandem to give this insight.

  • Security review/audit: Additional controls should be periodically performed by high-level security professionals who were not directly involved in the development process.

  • Incident Response: Security issues usually require immediate response and correction. A potential action plan should be developed in advance and should include emergency scenarios for the system.